Thursday, 7 May 2015

An Oldie but Goodie

As I was going through my old writings in preparation for this weeks podcast, I came across an old channelling that came through a few years ago... well quite a few years... but it still feels so relevant today... Enjoy...

Greeting my beloveds. Be still for a moment and know that you truly are beloved. Loved by all that is in the vastness of everything that has been created and has yet to be created you stand alone on the precipice of this divine moment in time. Poised for one of the greatest events that has taken place since the dawn of creation.

The energies that are coming forward at this time are forcing you to look closely at all that you are creating, You are the authors of your destiny. Heaven on earth. What does it look like to you? We ask you not to take this question lightly as it is truly your choice. What do you want your life to look like right this minute? How do you want your relationships to feel? How easily do you want abundance to flow into your life? What does it look like to be truly free? How does peace feel? How does it feel to be in joy? What does your perfect life look like? Your house? Your family? Your relationship to friends and family? Take some time as these energies are racing in. No MAKE some time as the speed with which things are shifting to decide what it is you want to create. Draw it. Write it. Meditate on it. Feel your hearts open to ALL of the possibilities as your imagination runs wild. It doesn’t matter how fanciful it is. Let it flow from your heart.

Now my beloveds, what would you need to do in order to achieve this life you are dreaming of? Would it mean leaving a job? Would it mean ending relationships? Would it mean saying “NO”? Would it mean facing your fears? What are you willing to do to have the life of your dreams? So often you are blinded by the illusion of 3d. So many times you believe that what you have here is real. I would say to you “Not even close.” The relationships that you have here in this lifetime were beautifully illustrated and designed with these “end” times in mind (although I prefer to refer to them as “New” times. Your parents, friends, mates were all orchestrated to provide you with opportunities and situations and beliefs to get you to where you are today. To clear millenia of beliefs, patterns, lessons karma whatever. Your parents neglect may have been part of the plan for you to heal a time in a past life that you were neglected or neglectful. The abuse you suffered at the hand of a partner may have been written as anopportunity to move beyond the pain of lifetimes of abuse or a time when you were the abuser. It is all perfectly written in perfect divine order. Murderers and rapist are here to free you from the bondage of judgement. You have no way of knowing that in a previous lifetime you were not what you call “One of them”. Some are quick to point out wrong doers and “dark” ones. Can you know for certain that you never played that role as part of your learning and growth? I say to you you can not know, You shall not know until the time you are fully reminded of all that you have been and all that you have done.

I am here to speak to you today regarding light. All that which is created is created from light. Can only ever be light. That which you call dark can not be as it too is created from light. It is only a varied shade of the light through which all creation exists. An example would be the brightness of a match compared to the sun. It is still light is it not? It has the same potential to grow given material(lessons and experience). That which you call darkness we call potential. We call a gift. All that is a lower amount of light is simply a reflection of potential. When you become angry or hurt by what you call the dark or negative influences in your life we say to you that you are merely reacting to the potential you see reflected in that other person/situation. He or she is no less/more than you are. As potential is infinite so are you and so are they. When you hold the belief to be true that they should be something they aren’t or better or more understanding or more compassionate you are effectively saying they should be something they are not. You are saying that divine perfection is neither divine nor perfect. You would never want one of the angels to say “Well they should be able to ….” A better example is that a 12th grader would never go to a 3rd grader and say “Why can’t you just DO calculus?!!!??? Are you thick?” Much like it is inappropriate for you to go to someone and say “Why can’t you just BE more compassionate, more loving, more understanding?” They look at you with crossed eyes don’t they? It is not there path at this time. So instead we would ask that you look at your own beliefs that are telling you they should be what you want them to be and how you want them to be. What are you holding to be true? What are you afraid of if they follow their path?

Speaking of paths ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is ascending. Yes everyone. No one will be left behind. This is a certainty. However there is a caviot. Not everyone on the earth at this time is ascending into 5d with Gaia. Some have come from other planets and may ascend into an even higher dimension. Others are very young souls that still want to play the game of duality. In the perfect divine will of All that is, there is a place for everyone. It is not the will of the divine to cut someone short of their desired experience. You would never consider taking a child in 1st grade and then sending them straight to college! That is why we ask you to look at every relationship you are in. Every relationship you are creating. Your mother and father, sisters, brothers, lovers, children each have played a critical role in this beautiful experience. It is now time to set them free. This doesn’t mean cutting them off. Just letting them dance too. Giving them the freedom to follow their path. They are no more bound to you than the guy you sat beside in 3rd grade. He may have become your best friend, or eventually moved away. None the less you blessed his path and let him be who he was. There is sadness and pain and fear that comes up with letting go of everything you have held onto in this life. This is perfect. As you graduated from high school there was excitement yet also fear and sadness, joy and pain as you realized somewhere deep inside you that things were never be the same. You may have made plans to all get together the next summer but eventually you all went on to follow your hearts call. You may have remained deep friends or never spoken again. But there was always the understanding of the perfection throughout it all.

Now is a time of moving forward on each of your own divily perfect plans this means letting go, jumping off the proverbial cliff into the unknown. So many of you we see your lives crashing down around you. It is so that you may be free. It is a blessing. It would have been to painful for you to move on by your own exertion so things are taken from you one by one. I know this doesn’t feel very loving but your space (spiritual, physical, emotional, energetic) has to be cleared of debris blocking the flow of life and love that the universe is trying to now pour into each one of your lives.

We ask you very very importantly now to observe where you are putting your attention. As you put your attention of tragedy, injustice, chaos, crisis it becomes all that you can see. You become surrounded by it until you are drowning in it. You can no longer see anything but that. If you feel wronged, hurt, depressed, abused, misused that is all you begin to see from everyone in your life. No amount of compassion and understanding and love would ever feel that hole as it grows bigger and bigger everyday by the attention you give it. However if you choose to turn your attention to beauty, perfection, joy, laughter, love, peace and ease that becomes all that you can see. You never even notice that there is anything in the world other than God’s perfection and beauty. You are not however exempt from your feelings as the energy comes through. We are not asking you to live in a make-believe fantasy world. You may get angry, sad, hurt but you allow these feelings and move on. Right back to joy and peace. That is where your attention is.

A side note there are many of you that are finding it difficult to get about in your daily lives. This is perfect. Some of you may even find it more difficult to leave the house, go to stores, go to work, eat or sleep. This is as all the energies adjust. It is a sifting of the wheat from the tares so to speak. This is not an excuse for doing nothing nor is it a cause for fear. The more fears you release the more surrendered you become. It is more of a time of introspection and centering, strengthening and building, releasing and receiving.

Also, many new “truths” are being presented at this time for you. The old teachings are very useful to those just starting on the path. But as in school eventually you learn there is just so much more to be learned. You learn to do math by adding 1+1 and it always equals 2. The you learn about algebra where 1+x=2. Then you learn about calculus where god only know how they get to 2. We always give you teachings that relate to wher mass consciousness is as a whole. These teachings evolve as you evolve. The only truth being that truth is fluid as is the flow of life. To say there is “NO truth” isn’t totally correct either. Truth changes as your perspective changes. As you move through dimensions and levels of vibrations the way you perceive all that is around you changes. YOU change. Be open to the change and it will be a lot smoother, be open to the flow as it will assimilate much easier without resistance.

May you all be blessed as you clear your path to freedom from fears and beliefs that have held you prisoner in this lifetime. The only thing that stands in your way to blissful joy is fear of the unknown. Spread your arms my beautiful angel children see the wings unfurl as they were always there simply bound down in preparation for this divine moment in time. It is your time. Your time to fly free beloved ones.

May the peace and joy of my message resonate in your heart. May you feel our love flood through you now. All is well.

AA Metatron

Channeled by Jennifer Howell Gillies

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