In my last post I talked about the concept of “family” and how as we are evolving and changing as a collective, the basic dynamics of our closer relationships seem to be evolving as well. Today, I would like to explore the ideas and implications of our more intimate relationships.
In recent years there has emerged a popular teaching in spiritual circles and is closely associated with the ideas around ascension; this concept of a twinflame. As it has been interpreted by most, the concept goes something like… a soul at its inception split into two halves and these halves wander the universe seeking each other out through the eternities and are not complete without the other. Or something vaguely along those lines.
Now, being the eternal romantic myself, when I started my spiritual journey and learned of this concept, I was smitten. The idea of the ideal ONE, that would complete me and make my life worth living. One who was my perfect complement, whom couldn’t live without me nor I him. I loved it. I had come out of a pretty disastrous marriage and the idea, the hope, the promise even, that there was a perfect someone out there JUST for me… yeah baby… sounds great. Until… the reality of those implications comes to the surface.
I have seen it time and time again in my readings, especially among the younger generation and more particularly in cultures that have traditionally had arranged marriages or highly influenced marriages that are now moving into love marriages… the concept of a twinflame becomes a desperate search and near panic to find “the one”. The idea has become twisted in our 3d ideas of love, partnership, joy and self-identity. We have applied what we have understood to be love from our conditioning to the idea of the twinflame, and it aint pretty folks.
Our understanding of love and relationship in 3d as we have been conditioned to understand it is a possessive, co-dependent, jealous, petty, needy, whiny, demanding, rather perverse conditional dynamic… at best! At its worst, it is manipulative, controlling, and abusive. As a society we have decided that people can be property of one another, that there are contracts that bind us, and further contracts that unbind us. And with these said contracts there are implied rules and norms. These have developed out of the patriarchal order and do not reflect a true honouring of a soul. Nor is it reflective of our own historical experience overall as different cultures have had different traditions in regards to partnering.
Now when you take these 3d conditionings of relationships and apply it to what is taught as an eternal relationship of a twinflame, you have a recipe for disaster. There are many people who have gotten a hold of this concept and the added idea that in order to evolve or ascend to the next level of spiritual development, or participate in a wider ascension *a concept we may revisit in a later post*… you HAVE to have your twinflame… well you can imagine… it is nothing short of absolute desperation. Is HE my twinflame? What about him… or her… or him? And the object of their desperation is often unawares of the concept itself and so is blindsided by this clinginess, or insistence that they must act and be a certain way… because of course there is a whole list (or 20) on what a twinflame relationship looks like, and how people act in it.
The other person in these situations is often confused and just wants to be with the person who is claiming a twinflame relationship. Generally, they just want to be and enjoy what happens and how it unfolds, but the first person insisting that their eternal happiness depends on everything being perfect, applies all the rules and judgments and conditions of their imagined ideal… ie their twinflame should be able to read their mind and anticipate their needs and should always be happy with them and should never ever leave them and it isn’t possible for feelings to change and there is this pressure and we must do this together and things must look like this and we must have amazing intimacy… and and and…..
And the person runs away….
And the twinflame seeker is crushed, devastated and spends the next 10 years trying to get their “twinflame” to return. So the manipulating, threatening, pleading, lying, controlling, whining, and desperation begins in earnest. They latch onto a popular idea in the twinflame community… “the runner” and they say… the guy/girl that left me 10 years ago is the only one in the entire universe for me… I cannot be happy until they are rightfully returned to me. I HAVE to be with THAT person in order to have eternal joy… otherwise I am doomed to eternal damnation…. And we wonder why people are not impressed with New Age teachings… well folks there you go.
I know that I am not the only person that looks at this and thinks… holy moley that is IN-freaking-sane. And it is. It ignores every spiritual concept ever created. Even among the more traditional religious cultures there are ideas of freedom, ease, joy that are attached to the eternities. Being eternally bound to someone in order to survive… well to me that just doesn’t jive.
It sets up a belief that you as an individual are not worthy, not enough, not whole, have only a limited amount of stuff that you can offer the world. It creates, depression, desperation, competition and division. Where is the room for love in all of that? Well firstly, does that even remotely resemble love? Maybe purely conditional love… but even that is a stretch. More importantly, when a person is clinging onto “the one” of their imagined ideal, they are cutting themselves off from all the other amazing loving souls that could be coming into their life to celebrate and grow. They could be missing out on their life/soul purpose because their focus is on a twisted concept… which I suppose is still part of their life lesson, but my guess is the lesson is in letting go, not holding on.
Now, I am not saying that twinflames do not exist. I am simply suggesting that if they DO exist, it is not in the context that it has been popularized. Unconditional love does not demand, it does not cling, it does not manipulate, and it does not coerce or force another. It invites, and allows, it celebrates and it encourages growth. Growth comes from exploration, not confinement. Unconditional love loves so much that it wishes for the other( if there is one) to live and explore their highest joy so that when they do come back together they are both more… they are not two halves of a whole, maybe complimentary sides of a coin but even that insinuates being bound, or being forced for all eternity. But maybe rather an expansion of their experiences as opposed to there having been a split or contraction.
Here is what I think… there IS a twinflame for each of us. This is our shadow. It is the part of ourselves that we attempt to hide, reject, or deny. It is the side of us that is equally as a part of us as our light. We push it away and we say “I am not this…or I am not that”, this twin does not reside outside of us. It IS us. As long as we are seeking another to complete us, we miss the whole point of the exercise. We reject the Christ teaching, “The kingdom of Heaven is within you.” We make another individual wholly responsible for our ETERNAL happiness, which is utterly absurd if not impossible.
There IS a twinflame reunion that is not only happening, but essential to our evolution and eternal joy, but this isn’t outside of us. This can only happen in our hearts. As we embrace our shadow, we embrace all aspects of our soul. We embrace our wholeness, our completeness, and our enough-ness. We celebrate the journey that we have made, we rejoice in our coming home to ourselves. We realize there is no greater joy than the reunion of self. We are greater than the sum total of our parts. We are not missing anything, or anyone. We are not needy and dependent on another for our joy, everyone is off the hook. We are free to show up as we are…
We are free to invite into our experience a cosmic playmate, a complement to our wholeness, a whole and precious soul unto themselves. We can hold a space for eternal growth and experience. We can share an unspeakable joy and connection and know that this is because this soul has CHOSEN to be with us, not because they were obligated to.
And maybe this is where people get confused. I believe there is a complimentary soul for every soul created. But it is much like ice cream there are many flavors that compliment chocolate ice cream, garlic NOT being one of them. So in my heart, I feel these soul playmates may choose to spend a couple of thousand years as chocolate and vanilla, then when all of the soul lessons they learned together have been learned, they change dance partners and maybe become chocolate and strawberry. There is no loss, there is no possession, and there is no jealousy. Jealousy and possessiveness only exist in a patriarchal interpretation of third density relationships where there is fear of being alone.
And when we are fully integrated within our own hearts and connected to the divine within us and the divine all that is… being alone is not possible. We no longer have anything to fear and only love to give… and receive.
This is the story behind the story... here we will talk about things that just wouldnt fit in the book, as well as introduce some aspects of the story our children wish to share.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Friday, 22 May 2015
What is "family"?
To many the question sounds rather absurd... of course everyone knows what family is... and what it isnt... but what if... what if our changing and evolving times are redefining family. What if what we thought we knew about ourselves is being dismantled and cleared to a basic foundational level? What if we dont know what we dont know about what actually defines us?
On our journey as we discussed in the book, Fumbling Through the Light so many dynamics around family came to the surface to be examined and questioned. Ideas of what it means to be a "good" adult child, loyalty, tradition, expectations and roles. There were so many paradigms that had to shift it felt in order to survive. In order to create something new we had to let go of the old, even if the old was all we had known... even if the old wasnt even that bad.
In recent weeks, I have found myself in conversations with many friends about the intense energies we feel shifting us collectively into something new. Many have talked about family or personal crisis which are leading them to re-examine where they are placing their focus and whom it is they are trying to make happy. This inevitably leads back to our family of origin.
Let's dig a little deeper...
You see, I dont think you will find anyone that will argue the point that things are shifting and changing almost at a rate that boggles the mind. We are losing track of time as we have understood it, a week might feel like a day and a day may feel like a year. Things dont make the same kind of sense as they used to. So if you are feeling that way, know you are not alone.
There are much bigger things playing out in the cosmos that those that understand astrology can sort of wrap their heads around... but only a bit Those that are familiar with the idea of "ascension" can understand things on the esoteric levels, but in practical terms everything seems to be falling apart... not coming together.
As humans, we have a belief that when things are moving in the right direction everything is fine. Meaning, if it is good where we are going, then we dont have to give anything up. But, we can look back on our own lives and see this isnt the case. It is quite logical in fact to see... in order to go to college, you have to leave high school, and this often means leaving friends and family. In order to move into a new house, you have to leave the old one and all of the emotional attachments that you made there. In order to pursue a new career, you have to leave your old job. In order to become a mother, you have to let go of what your life looked like before kids. All of the things we had "before" were in many cases pretty good. We may have felt like we were doing ok. But we let go because we KNEW we were getting something better. We may have felt a bit trepidatious but we had a dream that was clear and our motivation was positively charged.
Now, there are only two forces in this world that move us... only two... fear and love. Fear moves forward because it is scared of staying the same ~ which arguably can set us on the path to moving forward in love. But still not the best motivator. Then there is love... love is expansive and all encompassing and free. It says... something wonderful is coming if I just keep going. Fear holds on... love lets go.
Now we assume (getting back to families) that today's traditionally accepted construct of a nuclear family is the way it has always been. We see it being redefined and challenged and we freak out... ok... so not all of us... but there is a collective freak out that you see playing out in the media... "War on families" or whatever... and it is totally based in fear! And lies. There is no war... in fact there is a movement towards peace and love and allowing.
Historically, there is overwhelming evidence that family has been for thousands of years a very fluid concept. Every culture has a way that has worked for them, based on their particular needs, roles and definitions. There isnt enough time, and I dont want to bore you with the details, but it is a very fascinating research topic if you are interested. But I am going to focus on one.
In ancient matriarchal societies where priestess traditions were followed. ALL children were wanted. ALL children were loved equally by all adults. The basic tenets of the society were "WE" based as opposed to "ME" based. The concept was much more than it takes a village to raise a child, it was more all children are our children. Every child knew he or she was loved by everyone, cared for, fed and clothed by the collective strength that came from the combined love (as opposed to divided love). Wealth was shared proportionally according to needs and everyone contributed to the welfare of the society because it was never about getting ahead of one another it was about getting ahead together. No one was left behind because they lifted each other, recognizing that strength comes from connection not competition. Families were fluid. There were marriages and partnerships children born and raised within a setting that we would recognize, but there was gentle movement between society. There was a recognition that growth and needs occur and change and the society supported this as a natural sign of how love works. It doesnt confine a person, but sets them free.
Now, we may wonder why we dont hear about these societies... it is quite simple... where is the woman's voice throughout history?
With the advent of the patriarchal paradigm in some emerging cultures about 6000 years ago, a new idea evolved. This idea was that the me is more important that the we. That possessions were representative of power and power equalled right to rule. It entitled one to tell others what was theirs and what wasnt. This paradigm created institutions, governments, systems... with one goal. Separation. You see when one is separate from the collective, by power, popularity or wealth then one is special. One can have control. But in order to maintain that control and specialness (which is likened unto being like god) one has to exert control over others. The quickest way to do so is through fear. The greatest fear tool one can use is the threat of being alone.
Now, where would the threat of being alone be the most intimidating? The place where we are conditioned to believe we should receive the most love. The family.
The family is the keystone to patriarchal rule and governance. The family is the key to controlling society with fear. When one is not afraid of being alone because they recognize their infinite connection and support from the whole there is no loss of love.
Shaming, threats, withdrawal of attention, abandonment, etc... the list is endless of the tactics used to keep family members in line with the rules of the patriarchy. This was important traditionally speaking because wealth and power were passed down through the family, you couldnt have people just running around loving everyone... they might give your kingdom away. This is also where marriage contracts developed and women and subsequent daughters became property of the patriarchal head of the household. Men needed to know that any offspring from the woman was actually theirs. It was all about me, my and mine.
In the use of the term patriarchal, let us not confuse ourselves, this is not a gender issue. There are many women in our shared experience that use these conditioned practices to carry on the societal order... out of fear. They may have been taught that this is the only way to get "love" by controlling and intimidating those around her. It isnt anyone's fault... but when we know better we have a responsibility to do better. If not for ourselves, then those we truly seek to love without condition. Patriarchal love can never ever be unconditional love, because by its very definition... it comes with all sorts of conditions. Love is defined by if/then. If you are this, then you get that.
Secrets, lies, manipulation, violence, and war naturally arose as a result of trying to control people by cutting them off from their hearts desire to be free. Loyalty above truth. Family before stranger. Blood is thicker than water... but at what price? Roles and rules had to be followed precisely to maintain order. It has only been a few decades where the regular practice of families "arranging" marriages, or at a minimum HIGHLY influencing them seemed to wane. In a patriarchal construct, few women have a real say about the direction of their familial life. Many women married for political or financial reasons... ie fear instead of love. How many loveless marriages exist today because it was simply easier to stay than risk being alone or in financial difficulties?
Now let me be clear... I am not judging what was or is. ALL of it has served to help us evolve as a collective. We are waking up and looking at our daughters and seeing their amazing light and wanting them to shine unapologetically as they are. We are seeing our sons and willing them to be free from societal demands and false constructs. We want them to have passions that they are free to pursue. We wish to encourage all children to BE who they are, even if it is different from what society expects... at least we feel something within us stirring pushing us towards those desires for those that are coming after us.
This means re=examining the principle definitions of what family is, and what it is becoming. We have to make some choices about what is important to us. Tradition or exploration? Secrets or transparency? Being who someone else wants you to be or being yourself? Chaining ourselves to the expectations of others or setting ourselves free? Power or vulnerability? Being closed or open? Forcing or allowing? Being an agent of fear...or an agent of love?
I suggest that we are all on some level, being pushed to look at who and what we are willing to do and be in order to continue to live a life that is incongruent with where we say we want to go. Are we willing to put our family before our soul? Are we willing to lie about who we are to make someone else happy? NOTE: Chances are... if you have tried to do this you will notice... they still arent happy... and you have to keep trying to bend yourself into a pretzel to meet their expectations... which happen to be their own judgments about themselves...
What are you willing to do to be free? Assuming, you are wishing to live as a sovereign member of a collective. What if family was less to do with dna and more to do with soul connection? What if it was your heart that decided your tribe, not the blood running through it? What if in order to be welcomed into the family of your soul, you had to release the family of condition?
What would you be willing to let go of in order to never feel alone or be threatened with abandonment?
Things are shifting and evolving. I believe the patriarchy is done. I do not think we are going BACK to matriarchal rule, but I do believe there is a balance wherein the divine feminine and divine masculine in ALL beings are honored. The key to this transition is quite simple... at least on the surface... the experience may come with growth pains. But, I believe the key to this transition into something better is transparency.
I feel that as we stand in our truth, those that feel and think like us will gravitate, if not run towards us, seeking to share the same thing. This is our new tribe... our new family. We no longer need to live in fear of loss. We are free to love without condition those that wish to be with us. We can collectively support one another in the stewardship of our own children, recognizing that we dont wish to exert control, but rather foster an environment where they are free to be transparent themselves.
So to the question, "What is family?" I believe we are in the exciting process of discovery... our soul's know... and we are playing it out down here... it may be messy, but we can dance through this with our heads held high.
On our journey as we discussed in the book, Fumbling Through the Light so many dynamics around family came to the surface to be examined and questioned. Ideas of what it means to be a "good" adult child, loyalty, tradition, expectations and roles. There were so many paradigms that had to shift it felt in order to survive. In order to create something new we had to let go of the old, even if the old was all we had known... even if the old wasnt even that bad.
In recent weeks, I have found myself in conversations with many friends about the intense energies we feel shifting us collectively into something new. Many have talked about family or personal crisis which are leading them to re-examine where they are placing their focus and whom it is they are trying to make happy. This inevitably leads back to our family of origin.
Let's dig a little deeper...
You see, I dont think you will find anyone that will argue the point that things are shifting and changing almost at a rate that boggles the mind. We are losing track of time as we have understood it, a week might feel like a day and a day may feel like a year. Things dont make the same kind of sense as they used to. So if you are feeling that way, know you are not alone.
There are much bigger things playing out in the cosmos that those that understand astrology can sort of wrap their heads around... but only a bit Those that are familiar with the idea of "ascension" can understand things on the esoteric levels, but in practical terms everything seems to be falling apart... not coming together.
As humans, we have a belief that when things are moving in the right direction everything is fine. Meaning, if it is good where we are going, then we dont have to give anything up. But, we can look back on our own lives and see this isnt the case. It is quite logical in fact to see... in order to go to college, you have to leave high school, and this often means leaving friends and family. In order to move into a new house, you have to leave the old one and all of the emotional attachments that you made there. In order to pursue a new career, you have to leave your old job. In order to become a mother, you have to let go of what your life looked like before kids. All of the things we had "before" were in many cases pretty good. We may have felt like we were doing ok. But we let go because we KNEW we were getting something better. We may have felt a bit trepidatious but we had a dream that was clear and our motivation was positively charged.
Now, there are only two forces in this world that move us... only two... fear and love. Fear moves forward because it is scared of staying the same ~ which arguably can set us on the path to moving forward in love. But still not the best motivator. Then there is love... love is expansive and all encompassing and free. It says... something wonderful is coming if I just keep going. Fear holds on... love lets go.
Now we assume (getting back to families) that today's traditionally accepted construct of a nuclear family is the way it has always been. We see it being redefined and challenged and we freak out... ok... so not all of us... but there is a collective freak out that you see playing out in the media... "War on families" or whatever... and it is totally based in fear! And lies. There is no war... in fact there is a movement towards peace and love and allowing.
Historically, there is overwhelming evidence that family has been for thousands of years a very fluid concept. Every culture has a way that has worked for them, based on their particular needs, roles and definitions. There isnt enough time, and I dont want to bore you with the details, but it is a very fascinating research topic if you are interested. But I am going to focus on one.
In ancient matriarchal societies where priestess traditions were followed. ALL children were wanted. ALL children were loved equally by all adults. The basic tenets of the society were "WE" based as opposed to "ME" based. The concept was much more than it takes a village to raise a child, it was more all children are our children. Every child knew he or she was loved by everyone, cared for, fed and clothed by the collective strength that came from the combined love (as opposed to divided love). Wealth was shared proportionally according to needs and everyone contributed to the welfare of the society because it was never about getting ahead of one another it was about getting ahead together. No one was left behind because they lifted each other, recognizing that strength comes from connection not competition. Families were fluid. There were marriages and partnerships children born and raised within a setting that we would recognize, but there was gentle movement between society. There was a recognition that growth and needs occur and change and the society supported this as a natural sign of how love works. It doesnt confine a person, but sets them free.
Now, we may wonder why we dont hear about these societies... it is quite simple... where is the woman's voice throughout history?
With the advent of the patriarchal paradigm in some emerging cultures about 6000 years ago, a new idea evolved. This idea was that the me is more important that the we. That possessions were representative of power and power equalled right to rule. It entitled one to tell others what was theirs and what wasnt. This paradigm created institutions, governments, systems... with one goal. Separation. You see when one is separate from the collective, by power, popularity or wealth then one is special. One can have control. But in order to maintain that control and specialness (which is likened unto being like god) one has to exert control over others. The quickest way to do so is through fear. The greatest fear tool one can use is the threat of being alone.
Now, where would the threat of being alone be the most intimidating? The place where we are conditioned to believe we should receive the most love. The family.
The family is the keystone to patriarchal rule and governance. The family is the key to controlling society with fear. When one is not afraid of being alone because they recognize their infinite connection and support from the whole there is no loss of love.
Shaming, threats, withdrawal of attention, abandonment, etc... the list is endless of the tactics used to keep family members in line with the rules of the patriarchy. This was important traditionally speaking because wealth and power were passed down through the family, you couldnt have people just running around loving everyone... they might give your kingdom away. This is also where marriage contracts developed and women and subsequent daughters became property of the patriarchal head of the household. Men needed to know that any offspring from the woman was actually theirs. It was all about me, my and mine.
In the use of the term patriarchal, let us not confuse ourselves, this is not a gender issue. There are many women in our shared experience that use these conditioned practices to carry on the societal order... out of fear. They may have been taught that this is the only way to get "love" by controlling and intimidating those around her. It isnt anyone's fault... but when we know better we have a responsibility to do better. If not for ourselves, then those we truly seek to love without condition. Patriarchal love can never ever be unconditional love, because by its very definition... it comes with all sorts of conditions. Love is defined by if/then. If you are this, then you get that.
Secrets, lies, manipulation, violence, and war naturally arose as a result of trying to control people by cutting them off from their hearts desire to be free. Loyalty above truth. Family before stranger. Blood is thicker than water... but at what price? Roles and rules had to be followed precisely to maintain order. It has only been a few decades where the regular practice of families "arranging" marriages, or at a minimum HIGHLY influencing them seemed to wane. In a patriarchal construct, few women have a real say about the direction of their familial life. Many women married for political or financial reasons... ie fear instead of love. How many loveless marriages exist today because it was simply easier to stay than risk being alone or in financial difficulties?
Now let me be clear... I am not judging what was or is. ALL of it has served to help us evolve as a collective. We are waking up and looking at our daughters and seeing their amazing light and wanting them to shine unapologetically as they are. We are seeing our sons and willing them to be free from societal demands and false constructs. We want them to have passions that they are free to pursue. We wish to encourage all children to BE who they are, even if it is different from what society expects... at least we feel something within us stirring pushing us towards those desires for those that are coming after us.
This means re=examining the principle definitions of what family is, and what it is becoming. We have to make some choices about what is important to us. Tradition or exploration? Secrets or transparency? Being who someone else wants you to be or being yourself? Chaining ourselves to the expectations of others or setting ourselves free? Power or vulnerability? Being closed or open? Forcing or allowing? Being an agent of fear...or an agent of love?
I suggest that we are all on some level, being pushed to look at who and what we are willing to do and be in order to continue to live a life that is incongruent with where we say we want to go. Are we willing to put our family before our soul? Are we willing to lie about who we are to make someone else happy? NOTE: Chances are... if you have tried to do this you will notice... they still arent happy... and you have to keep trying to bend yourself into a pretzel to meet their expectations... which happen to be their own judgments about themselves...
What are you willing to do to be free? Assuming, you are wishing to live as a sovereign member of a collective. What if family was less to do with dna and more to do with soul connection? What if it was your heart that decided your tribe, not the blood running through it? What if in order to be welcomed into the family of your soul, you had to release the family of condition?
What would you be willing to let go of in order to never feel alone or be threatened with abandonment?
Things are shifting and evolving. I believe the patriarchy is done. I do not think we are going BACK to matriarchal rule, but I do believe there is a balance wherein the divine feminine and divine masculine in ALL beings are honored. The key to this transition is quite simple... at least on the surface... the experience may come with growth pains. But, I believe the key to this transition into something better is transparency.
I feel that as we stand in our truth, those that feel and think like us will gravitate, if not run towards us, seeking to share the same thing. This is our new tribe... our new family. We no longer need to live in fear of loss. We are free to love without condition those that wish to be with us. We can collectively support one another in the stewardship of our own children, recognizing that we dont wish to exert control, but rather foster an environment where they are free to be transparent themselves.
So to the question, "What is family?" I believe we are in the exciting process of discovery... our soul's know... and we are playing it out down here... it may be messy, but we can dance through this with our heads held high.
Thursday, 7 May 2015
An Oldie but Goodie
As I was going through my old writings in preparation for this weeks podcast, I came across an old channelling that came through a few years ago... well quite a few years... but it still feels so relevant today... Enjoy...
Greeting my beloveds. Be still for a moment and know that you truly are beloved. Loved by all that is in the vastness of everything that has been created and has yet to be created you stand alone on the precipice of this divine moment in time. Poised for one of the greatest events that has taken place since the dawn of creation.
The energies that are coming forward at this time are forcing you to look closely at all that you are creating, You are the authors of your destiny. Heaven on earth. What does it look like to you? We ask you not to take this question lightly as it is truly your choice. What do you want your life to look like right this minute? How do you want your relationships to feel? How easily do you want abundance to flow into your life? What does it look like to be truly free? How does peace feel? How does it feel to be in joy? What does your perfect life look like? Your house? Your family? Your relationship to friends and family? Take some time as these energies are racing in. No MAKE some time as the speed with which things are shifting to decide what it is you want to create. Draw it. Write it. Meditate on it. Feel your hearts open to ALL of the possibilities as your imagination runs wild. It doesn’t matter how fanciful it is. Let it flow from your heart.
Now my beloveds, what would you need to do in order to achieve this life you are dreaming of? Would it mean leaving a job? Would it mean ending relationships? Would it mean saying “NO”? Would it mean facing your fears? What are you willing to do to have the life of your dreams? So often you are blinded by the illusion of 3d. So many times you believe that what you have here is real. I would say to you “Not even close.” The relationships that you have here in this lifetime were beautifully illustrated and designed with these “end” times in mind (although I prefer to refer to them as “New” times. Your parents, friends, mates were all orchestrated to provide you with opportunities and situations and beliefs to get you to where you are today. To clear millenia of beliefs, patterns, lessons karma whatever. Your parents neglect may have been part of the plan for you to heal a time in a past life that you were neglected or neglectful. The abuse you suffered at the hand of a partner may have been written as anopportunity to move beyond the pain of lifetimes of abuse or a time when you were the abuser. It is all perfectly written in perfect divine order. Murderers and rapist are here to free you from the bondage of judgement. You have no way of knowing that in a previous lifetime you were not what you call “One of them”. Some are quick to point out wrong doers and “dark” ones. Can you know for certain that you never played that role as part of your learning and growth? I say to you you can not know, You shall not know until the time you are fully reminded of all that you have been and all that you have done.
I am here to speak to you today regarding light. All that which is created is created from light. Can only ever be light. That which you call dark can not be as it too is created from light. It is only a varied shade of the light through which all creation exists. An example would be the brightness of a match compared to the sun. It is still light is it not? It has the same potential to grow given material(lessons and experience). That which you call darkness we call potential. We call a gift. All that is a lower amount of light is simply a reflection of potential. When you become angry or hurt by what you call the dark or negative influences in your life we say to you that you are merely reacting to the potential you see reflected in that other person/situation. He or she is no less/more than you are. As potential is infinite so are you and so are they. When you hold the belief to be true that they should be something they aren’t or better or more understanding or more compassionate you are effectively saying they should be something they are not. You are saying that divine perfection is neither divine nor perfect. You would never want one of the angels to say “Well they should be able to ….” A better example is that a 12th grader would never go to a 3rd grader and say “Why can’t you just DO calculus?!!!??? Are you thick?” Much like it is inappropriate for you to go to someone and say “Why can’t you just BE more compassionate, more loving, more understanding?” They look at you with crossed eyes don’t they? It is not there path at this time. So instead we would ask that you look at your own beliefs that are telling you they should be what you want them to be and how you want them to be. What are you holding to be true? What are you afraid of if they follow their path?
Speaking of paths ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is ascending. Yes everyone. No one will be left behind. This is a certainty. However there is a caviot. Not everyone on the earth at this time is ascending into 5d with Gaia. Some have come from other planets and may ascend into an even higher dimension. Others are very young souls that still want to play the game of duality. In the perfect divine will of All that is, there is a place for everyone. It is not the will of the divine to cut someone short of their desired experience. You would never consider taking a child in 1st grade and then sending them straight to college! That is why we ask you to look at every relationship you are in. Every relationship you are creating. Your mother and father, sisters, brothers, lovers, children each have played a critical role in this beautiful experience. It is now time to set them free. This doesn’t mean cutting them off. Just letting them dance too. Giving them the freedom to follow their path. They are no more bound to you than the guy you sat beside in 3rd grade. He may have become your best friend, or eventually moved away. None the less you blessed his path and let him be who he was. There is sadness and pain and fear that comes up with letting go of everything you have held onto in this life. This is perfect. As you graduated from high school there was excitement yet also fear and sadness, joy and pain as you realized somewhere deep inside you that things were never be the same. You may have made plans to all get together the next summer but eventually you all went on to follow your hearts call. You may have remained deep friends or never spoken again. But there was always the understanding of the perfection throughout it all.
Now is a time of moving forward on each of your own divily perfect plans this means letting go, jumping off the proverbial cliff into the unknown. So many of you we see your lives crashing down around you. It is so that you may be free. It is a blessing. It would have been to painful for you to move on by your own exertion so things are taken from you one by one. I know this doesn’t feel very loving but your space (spiritual, physical, emotional, energetic) has to be cleared of debris blocking the flow of life and love that the universe is trying to now pour into each one of your lives.
We ask you very very importantly now to observe where you are putting your attention. As you put your attention of tragedy, injustice, chaos, crisis it becomes all that you can see. You become surrounded by it until you are drowning in it. You can no longer see anything but that. If you feel wronged, hurt, depressed, abused, misused that is all you begin to see from everyone in your life. No amount of compassion and understanding and love would ever feel that hole as it grows bigger and bigger everyday by the attention you give it. However if you choose to turn your attention to beauty, perfection, joy, laughter, love, peace and ease that becomes all that you can see. You never even notice that there is anything in the world other than God’s perfection and beauty. You are not however exempt from your feelings as the energy comes through. We are not asking you to live in a make-believe fantasy world. You may get angry, sad, hurt but you allow these feelings and move on. Right back to joy and peace. That is where your attention is.
A side note there are many of you that are finding it difficult to get about in your daily lives. This is perfect. Some of you may even find it more difficult to leave the house, go to stores, go to work, eat or sleep. This is as all the energies adjust. It is a sifting of the wheat from the tares so to speak. This is not an excuse for doing nothing nor is it a cause for fear. The more fears you release the more surrendered you become. It is more of a time of introspection and centering, strengthening and building, releasing and receiving.
Also, many new “truths” are being presented at this time for you. The old teachings are very useful to those just starting on the path. But as in school eventually you learn there is just so much more to be learned. You learn to do math by adding 1+1 and it always equals 2. The you learn about algebra where 1+x=2. Then you learn about calculus where god only know how they get to 2. We always give you teachings that relate to wher mass consciousness is as a whole. These teachings evolve as you evolve. The only truth being that truth is fluid as is the flow of life. To say there is “NO truth” isn’t totally correct either. Truth changes as your perspective changes. As you move through dimensions and levels of vibrations the way you perceive all that is around you changes. YOU change. Be open to the change and it will be a lot smoother, be open to the flow as it will assimilate much easier without resistance.
May you all be blessed as you clear your path to freedom from fears and beliefs that have held you prisoner in this lifetime. The only thing that stands in your way to blissful joy is fear of the unknown. Spread your arms my beautiful angel children see the wings unfurl as they were always there simply bound down in preparation for this divine moment in time. It is your time. Your time to fly free beloved ones.
May the peace and joy of my message resonate in your heart. May you feel our love flood through you now. All is well.
AA Metatron
Channeled by Jennifer Howell Gillies
Greeting my beloveds. Be still for a moment and know that you truly are beloved. Loved by all that is in the vastness of everything that has been created and has yet to be created you stand alone on the precipice of this divine moment in time. Poised for one of the greatest events that has taken place since the dawn of creation.
The energies that are coming forward at this time are forcing you to look closely at all that you are creating, You are the authors of your destiny. Heaven on earth. What does it look like to you? We ask you not to take this question lightly as it is truly your choice. What do you want your life to look like right this minute? How do you want your relationships to feel? How easily do you want abundance to flow into your life? What does it look like to be truly free? How does peace feel? How does it feel to be in joy? What does your perfect life look like? Your house? Your family? Your relationship to friends and family? Take some time as these energies are racing in. No MAKE some time as the speed with which things are shifting to decide what it is you want to create. Draw it. Write it. Meditate on it. Feel your hearts open to ALL of the possibilities as your imagination runs wild. It doesn’t matter how fanciful it is. Let it flow from your heart.
Now my beloveds, what would you need to do in order to achieve this life you are dreaming of? Would it mean leaving a job? Would it mean ending relationships? Would it mean saying “NO”? Would it mean facing your fears? What are you willing to do to have the life of your dreams? So often you are blinded by the illusion of 3d. So many times you believe that what you have here is real. I would say to you “Not even close.” The relationships that you have here in this lifetime were beautifully illustrated and designed with these “end” times in mind (although I prefer to refer to them as “New” times. Your parents, friends, mates were all orchestrated to provide you with opportunities and situations and beliefs to get you to where you are today. To clear millenia of beliefs, patterns, lessons karma whatever. Your parents neglect may have been part of the plan for you to heal a time in a past life that you were neglected or neglectful. The abuse you suffered at the hand of a partner may have been written as anopportunity to move beyond the pain of lifetimes of abuse or a time when you were the abuser. It is all perfectly written in perfect divine order. Murderers and rapist are here to free you from the bondage of judgement. You have no way of knowing that in a previous lifetime you were not what you call “One of them”. Some are quick to point out wrong doers and “dark” ones. Can you know for certain that you never played that role as part of your learning and growth? I say to you you can not know, You shall not know until the time you are fully reminded of all that you have been and all that you have done.
I am here to speak to you today regarding light. All that which is created is created from light. Can only ever be light. That which you call dark can not be as it too is created from light. It is only a varied shade of the light through which all creation exists. An example would be the brightness of a match compared to the sun. It is still light is it not? It has the same potential to grow given material(lessons and experience). That which you call darkness we call potential. We call a gift. All that is a lower amount of light is simply a reflection of potential. When you become angry or hurt by what you call the dark or negative influences in your life we say to you that you are merely reacting to the potential you see reflected in that other person/situation. He or she is no less/more than you are. As potential is infinite so are you and so are they. When you hold the belief to be true that they should be something they aren’t or better or more understanding or more compassionate you are effectively saying they should be something they are not. You are saying that divine perfection is neither divine nor perfect. You would never want one of the angels to say “Well they should be able to ….” A better example is that a 12th grader would never go to a 3rd grader and say “Why can’t you just DO calculus?!!!??? Are you thick?” Much like it is inappropriate for you to go to someone and say “Why can’t you just BE more compassionate, more loving, more understanding?” They look at you with crossed eyes don’t they? It is not there path at this time. So instead we would ask that you look at your own beliefs that are telling you they should be what you want them to be and how you want them to be. What are you holding to be true? What are you afraid of if they follow their path?
Speaking of paths ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is ascending. Yes everyone. No one will be left behind. This is a certainty. However there is a caviot. Not everyone on the earth at this time is ascending into 5d with Gaia. Some have come from other planets and may ascend into an even higher dimension. Others are very young souls that still want to play the game of duality. In the perfect divine will of All that is, there is a place for everyone. It is not the will of the divine to cut someone short of their desired experience. You would never consider taking a child in 1st grade and then sending them straight to college! That is why we ask you to look at every relationship you are in. Every relationship you are creating. Your mother and father, sisters, brothers, lovers, children each have played a critical role in this beautiful experience. It is now time to set them free. This doesn’t mean cutting them off. Just letting them dance too. Giving them the freedom to follow their path. They are no more bound to you than the guy you sat beside in 3rd grade. He may have become your best friend, or eventually moved away. None the less you blessed his path and let him be who he was. There is sadness and pain and fear that comes up with letting go of everything you have held onto in this life. This is perfect. As you graduated from high school there was excitement yet also fear and sadness, joy and pain as you realized somewhere deep inside you that things were never be the same. You may have made plans to all get together the next summer but eventually you all went on to follow your hearts call. You may have remained deep friends or never spoken again. But there was always the understanding of the perfection throughout it all.
Now is a time of moving forward on each of your own divily perfect plans this means letting go, jumping off the proverbial cliff into the unknown. So many of you we see your lives crashing down around you. It is so that you may be free. It is a blessing. It would have been to painful for you to move on by your own exertion so things are taken from you one by one. I know this doesn’t feel very loving but your space (spiritual, physical, emotional, energetic) has to be cleared of debris blocking the flow of life and love that the universe is trying to now pour into each one of your lives.
We ask you very very importantly now to observe where you are putting your attention. As you put your attention of tragedy, injustice, chaos, crisis it becomes all that you can see. You become surrounded by it until you are drowning in it. You can no longer see anything but that. If you feel wronged, hurt, depressed, abused, misused that is all you begin to see from everyone in your life. No amount of compassion and understanding and love would ever feel that hole as it grows bigger and bigger everyday by the attention you give it. However if you choose to turn your attention to beauty, perfection, joy, laughter, love, peace and ease that becomes all that you can see. You never even notice that there is anything in the world other than God’s perfection and beauty. You are not however exempt from your feelings as the energy comes through. We are not asking you to live in a make-believe fantasy world. You may get angry, sad, hurt but you allow these feelings and move on. Right back to joy and peace. That is where your attention is.
A side note there are many of you that are finding it difficult to get about in your daily lives. This is perfect. Some of you may even find it more difficult to leave the house, go to stores, go to work, eat or sleep. This is as all the energies adjust. It is a sifting of the wheat from the tares so to speak. This is not an excuse for doing nothing nor is it a cause for fear. The more fears you release the more surrendered you become. It is more of a time of introspection and centering, strengthening and building, releasing and receiving.
Also, many new “truths” are being presented at this time for you. The old teachings are very useful to those just starting on the path. But as in school eventually you learn there is just so much more to be learned. You learn to do math by adding 1+1 and it always equals 2. The you learn about algebra where 1+x=2. Then you learn about calculus where god only know how they get to 2. We always give you teachings that relate to wher mass consciousness is as a whole. These teachings evolve as you evolve. The only truth being that truth is fluid as is the flow of life. To say there is “NO truth” isn’t totally correct either. Truth changes as your perspective changes. As you move through dimensions and levels of vibrations the way you perceive all that is around you changes. YOU change. Be open to the change and it will be a lot smoother, be open to the flow as it will assimilate much easier without resistance.
May you all be blessed as you clear your path to freedom from fears and beliefs that have held you prisoner in this lifetime. The only thing that stands in your way to blissful joy is fear of the unknown. Spread your arms my beautiful angel children see the wings unfurl as they were always there simply bound down in preparation for this divine moment in time. It is your time. Your time to fly free beloved ones.
May the peace and joy of my message resonate in your heart. May you feel our love flood through you now. All is well.
AA Metatron
Channeled by Jennifer Howell Gillies
Monday, 4 May 2015
Angel Readings & Healings
We all have Guides that are there for us to assist us with whatever we need. They come in different forms and at different times of our lives. Some of us have difficulties connecting to them or just don't know how to connect with, so I am here to help you.
I will connect with your main Spirit Guides that are working with you right now and will tell you about them. You will get their name if it is available, a description and what you could do to connect with them more or how to notice their signs.
You can request as well to inquire about a certain type of guide, like what Archangels, Starseeds or elemental beings are around you.
Recommended Minimum Donation $10
Do you have a question or a situation and need some guidance? Are you wondering what your guides want to tell you? Having difficulty reading life's signs?
This channelling reading will help you! Your Spirit Guides will be called upon and asked what advice or message they have for you. You can inquire about a certain situation or request just your guides message.
For finding out who are your Spirit Guides please order the "Who are your Spirit Guides" reading.
Recommended Minimum Donation $10
Chakras are energy points in our body that store certain energies. When they are out of balance and blocked, they affect us and cause us trouble. The more they are out of balance, the more difficulties we have.
With this order, i will clear and balance your chakras. You will receive a detailed document where I will write what was cleared.
Recommended Minimum Donation $10
All the souls are born somewhere and that ain't always from Earth. Soul origins are of 5 types:
-Starseed - coming from other star systems/ planets
-Earthlings - from planet Earth
-Elementals - beings from elemental realm connected the elements of fire, water, earth, air like fairies, gnomes, elves - as well coming from Earth.
-Angels - beings born from angelic planes
-Hybrids, a mixture of any of those from above.
I will tune into your energy and see what energy I feel, from where you might be. Depending on the energy, I will read what type of being you are, at times even the exact name of your planet. You will receive information about your provenance, soul family, what was your purpose and even with what purpose you are on earth.
Please note that some are not supposed to know where they're from as its either too early or won't benefit them, so for some people I might not get any information. These people will be refunded.
Recommended Minimum Donation $15
We all have different definitions of what a soul mate is, with the most common being that a soul mate is our second half. In the esoteric/ spiritual way, this isn't the case. A soul mate is someone with whom we have a contract on Earth for learning a lesson.
This reading is to check if you are dealing with a soul mate at the moment and what is the lesson between you two. You will receive a detailed reading about what is the karma between you two and how is it influencing you.
When ordering please include your name and the other persons name. If you could provide an image of you two, would be very helpful.
Recommended Minimum Donation $15
Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life? Or is a past life affecting in your current lifetime? Is there any karma you have to clear? Do you have any blockages from the past?
This reading will be done through channeling and access to the akashic records. You will receive a detailed reading about the past life that is affecting you right now, what karma you have and how is it influencing you in this lifetime. Your reading will consist of a minimum of 3 pages.
If you have knowledge of a life from the past or would like to know about the life between you and a certain someone, that can be read too if requested.
When ordering, please include your details - name and date of birth.
Recommended Minimum Donation $50
Alternatively you can check out my shop on Etsy
past life,
An Update
Oh such exciting times! Today will be airing my very first podcast interview with my good friend Maria K from Upgrade with Maria K! I loved talking with her not only about the book but about what I feel is really exciting for me. I have gotten back in to doing readings and have opened an Etsy shop offering currently 7 different readings...
I am also back on Facebook using my Unlocking The Divine Within facebook page.
We are building a new blog for the readings/healings and I hope to have that up in a few weeks time.
We are still doing house sitting and meeting amazing animals and people. We are being pushed more and more every day in to fully trusting in the Divine.
Can't wait to see what is around the corner.... "How much better can it get?"
I am also back on Facebook using my Unlocking The Divine Within facebook page.
We are building a new blog for the readings/healings and I hope to have that up in a few weeks time.
We are still doing house sitting and meeting amazing animals and people. We are being pushed more and more every day in to fully trusting in the Divine.
Can't wait to see what is around the corner.... "How much better can it get?"
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